
March 2025

Shortwave in times of crisis

Over the first few months of 2025 we have been witness to profound changes in the world order both domestically in the US and abroad. Many have voiced anxiety and trepidation over our ability to seek out uncensored news of current affairs and our right to open discourse about those events. I often hear the refrain "I should get a Shortwave Radio or a Ham Radio" as a reaction to the worry that our access to news and communication will somehow become compromised as the executive branch erodes those things we hold dear. I'd like to take a little time to address this sentiment and discuss the advantages of limitations of both Shortwave (SW) radio and Ham radio as tools to gather uncensored information and achieve free communications at a time when it appears an oppressive regime might be working against those fundamental American rights.


Those of us who are long time fans of radio probably understand the differences in use and format between shortwave radio and ham radio. But many who are new to these types of radio may not completely understand the two formats. We all understand FM and AM Broadcast radio, because we've all interacted with AM/FM radio when we taken a ride in a car or gone for a jog with a Walkman (although increasingly those devices have been replaced by mp3 players or portable streaming devices). 

The term "shortwave" describes a range of frequencies (3--30 MHz) that sit between the AM broadcast band below and the FM broadcast band above. Within this SW band range we have two types of radio: International SW Broadcast radio, and Amateur (ham) radio. The International SW Broadcast radio band(s) (the SW range is sub-divided into smaller bands) has for decades been exactly as the label says: a place where international radio stations broadcast their programming with news, music, and local culture for the rest of the world to appreciate. These stations may have different programs for different targets, for instance a European country's SW station may have one program for North American audiences, another for Middle-east audiences, and yet another for Asian audiences.

Ham radio is a two-way amateur communications tool which also resides in-part in the bands subdividing the SW frequency range. Operating a ham radio safely and effectively requires some technical knowledge and in most of the world a license is needed to demonstrate competency to operate. The licenses in most countries are tiered (with beginner, intermediate, advanced levels) and require knowledge of regulations and some radio theory (what kind of antenna is best/safest? what frequencies am I allowed to transmit on?, etc.).  The bottom-line here is that ham is for two-way communications transmissions and not broadcasting. Ham radio operators are not Disk Jockeys! 

Do I want a shortwave radio?

Should access to uncensored news become restricted, it might be useful to have another source of information. Many people have some familiarity with shortwave radio. Maybe a favorite uncle or a grandparent had a SW radio in their parlor, and you have memories of listening to world broadcasters like the BBC, Deutsche Welle, Radio Moscow, Radio Canada International, Radio Netherlands, or Radio Australia among many others. These stations provided important outside perspectives on world events, and SW was very popular in the 1940s through the 1980s. Access to information was a very valuable resource during the second world war and later during the cold war. Those decades were truly the golden era of shortwave radio. 

By the 1990s the cold war began to thaw, and the internet became a more compelling fountain of information. Since that time, SW Radio has been  receding into the territory of radio enthusiasts. There are still international broadcasters, but there are many fewer than there once were. Increasingly the SW broadcast bands are populated by other programming that is not the world and cultural news format of traditional world radio broadcasters. There are a great many religious broadcasters, especially in the US and targeting domestic and international audiences. There is also an increase in right-wing programming much of which intersects the religious programming.

But there are still a few international broadcasters that have english-language programming: Radio Romania International, Radio Exterior de España, Voice of Turkey, KBS World (Korea) and Radio New Zealand Pacific each have their own transmitters. Others like Radio Prague, and Radio Slovakia broker time on other stations (like WRMI Miami FL).

Then there is China Radio International... so much China. You will find CRI everywhere on the bands. Their english-language is interesting and very biased to the PRC perspective. Sometimes the propaganda is down right amusing in the enthusiasm for a "china best!" messaging. 

The bottom line is that there aren't many sources left broadcasting unbiased news in English, but I do have a chart linked to show what is available (in green). Things are constantly changing (and rapidly these days) and having a SW radio can still be an asset when domestic news is under attack. Just this week we lost VOA and Radio Marti. Things are always changing.

Do I want a ham radio?

What will happen if normal communications (cell phone, email, IM, etc) are cut off? What can I do in this case?

This is a circumstance where ham radio excels. It has been put into practice during natural disasters when normal communications (comms) are disrupted. This is one of the big attracting features of the amateur (ham) radio hobby--providing comms in times of crisis. But what if the crisis is an act of an oppressive regime and not a natural disaster? What then?

There are challenges to operating ham radio safely and effectively during normal times, during natural disasters, and especially during civil emergencies. Ham radio may not always be the best tool under some circumstances. Let's go over some things to know.

Ham radio is not like your cell phone. You can't dial a friend directly. It's more like those community bulletin boards you may have seen in a dorm or community center where you pin a message with the recipients name on the board and hope they see it! With ham, you are yelling into a public space for all to hear. You have a "call sign" identifier that you call out with in an exchange that goes like "K4JIM seeking W2BOB, come in W2BOB". And everybody with their radio switched on knows that you are trying to reach BOB.  And once you reach BOB, everybody with a radio will hear you inviting Bob over for pizza. Your call sign is registered to your name and address and that registry is publicly available. So anyone who hears this transmission knows where to find the pizza! It is a neat style of communication, but it is not at all confidential or private. 

The sort of equipment you need to have depends on your comms needs. Ham comms often requires more equipment than just a radio. In addition to a radio, you will need the correct antenna, maybe an amplifier and antenna tuner, big batteries, microphones, etc.. And not all equipment has the same use. Some hand-held ham radios are available inexpensively ($) at your favorite online retailer--but these radios (operating on the VHF ham bands above FM broadcast) have a limited range of a few miles. If your buddy Bob lives across town, you might be okay. But if Bob is a few counties or states away, you need different more expensive equipment ($$--$$$). Moreover, for long distance (DX) comms, you will probably need very large antennas which will be conspicuous to your neighbors, the HOA, and any other authorities.